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Rock Reflection

How We Are Impacting
Our Community

Warriors Outreach

Hugging a Puppy

 EL SALI Ministry-Time2Heal (trauma Reboot)

God Is my Rock and Strength

Our mission is to provide all trauma survivors with the spiritual care, comfort, and support they need to break the chains of trauma. We believe that we can help others find healing, redemption, and peace through faith and sharing our triumphs and vulnerabilities. Our team is committed to providing the resources and support that every trauma survivor deserves. Our efforts provide Confidence and Direction. We provide you with he skills and resources to find your purpose. If you need someone to talk to, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

Operation Amber Waves

Operation Amber Waves is a heartwarming outreach program that brings joy and hope to the Veterans Affairs Medical Center patients in Martinsburg, West Virginia during the Christmas holidays. While many people are celebrating with their families, some are spending the holiday season alone in a hospital room. Our program reminds these brave veterans that they are not forgotten and that their sacrifices and service are deeply appreciated. We deliver care packages and spread cheer to brighten their day let them know they are not alone.

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